Foundation Portfolio Treatment


( Hope)   

A treatment for:  One-by-one 

Prepared by Sensation Studios: 

It will be proposed that our film will be 2-2:30  minuets long and will be filmed off site at one of our group members house. He lives in a nice and central spot, that allows for all cast and crew to assemble and meet. Christian's house is rather modern and big and sets the atmosphere of good and positive vibes, in which will be enjoyed by the actors in the film, as well as the audience watching it. It is also perfect in the sense that we have access to lighting and power, in case any equipment need recaching. 

This film will include the following Conventions: 

Iconography/ Symbolism: Our film comprises of teenagers who are wearing normal clothes which signifies how these are normal and everyday teenagers who are simply trying to enjoy their time with their company. The audience will also relate to this no matter their age as being with people and enjoying friendship is something that is valued and appreciated from most. For this reason, the audience perceives them as the victims, despite the audience not knowing what the group may have done to make the antagonist so mad, angry and bitter. The antagonist however wears dark clothes to show that there is something dark beneath that is clouding his mind his decisions. We also include the use of a clock, to show that every time the clock turns ( every half hour) that the time for killing is next victim is due. 

Sound: In the start we will most likely use music that gives off good vibes as we are trying to crate that sense of friendship and a good atmosphere. We will also incorporate and eerie or foreboding note that send signals to the audience that there is something off about of the members of the group. to create suspense, we will also include the ticking of the clock as a countdown till he kills his next victim. We may also use sound effects to create a few jump care moments. 

Lighting: We will be taking a different twist to our fil this time round, as we will be filming during the day time.  Despite this, we will be using shadows and areas of darkness to 'hide' the killer, to create a silhouette moment. This keeps the suspense up, as the audience has to guess and figure out which of the friends is the killer. This can be accomplished as we don't reveal who the killer is, by using low lighting in these moments. 

Suspense: This is one of the elements that we will use to hook the audience and leave them questioning on what will happen next. We incorporate a sense of mystery in which will influence and encourage the audience to try solve the mystery as the film goes along, and try to guess who the killer is, not only this, but we will also build suspense as the film goes on, and in the moments when the victims are going to be killed. We also end our film without being 'completed' leaving the audience wanting for more, but also meaning the story line can be continued. 

Influential Thriller films: 

The scene that we have taken ideas from, is from the movie 'The thing'. the scene comprises of a group of men who are undertaking blood testing to see which one of them is the 'undercover monster' . In the same way, we love the idea of group as a whole being associated with the crime, as it adds suspense as the audience guesses who the culprit is. 

We also used the idea and feel of the series called Outer Banks, where a group of teenage students are friends, and have a really strong bond with each other. There main focus for them is to have fun and a good time together. We try to incorporate that same idea of closeness between friends that are young and just trying to have a fun time. This  makes it even more unexpected when one other friends is the killer, as it is deep sense of betrayal. 

We also use inspiration from the movie Murder Mystery, as a group of 'friends' go on a boat and a few of them get killed off one by one. The audience is brought along the journey to try and figure out who out of the group was the one to kill these people, by looking at each of their possible motives. We wanted to also create this sense of mystery which engages the audience. 

Problems encountered:  

Due to us filming inside the house, we have little problems to think about as we have adjustable lighting, access to power sources , safe places to store equipment ( doesn't get rained on' ect. However we may be considering using  a knife as the murder weapon, meaning we will have to be very cautious in the way we use it and careful as to where we put it, especially as there will be a larger number of cast and crew. Due to all of our actors being students, some may be unavailable to come and film, but we plan to film on the weekend, where commitments are less demanding. 

The film includes the following:

Characters: Brandon 

He will be playing the part of the true killer, who is portrayed as mentally challenged, and seen as a dark character. The audience suspects that he may be dodgy and that their is something unsettling about him. However, we will seem juts like a 'normal' person, putting the audiences uneasiness at bay. His motive will be unclear to the audience, making him look like the villan. He could potential have some sought of resentment, anger , jealousy against the group, maybe have gone through a hard and tough upbringing, or just mentally challenged resulting in despicable acts.  

She will be playing the first victim and friend out of the group to be murdered. She will be portrayed as the sweet girl, who is the social butterfly. The act will take place in the bathroom when she is washing her hands. The horror and fear in her face when she sees the figure behind her will make the audience feel sorry for her. 

He will be playing our next victim to get murdered. He will be getting something out of the butlers pantry ( hidden from the rest of the group) in which he will be killed. Despite him being one of the most loudest out of the group, he will be helpless in this situation as he almost becomes parasailed at the sight of the antagonist. 

Deborah, Jordan, Frank: 
These will be the remainder of our friends which at the end will start to question where there friends have gone, they will think nothing of it, carrying on playing in ignorance. Brandon will be composed and reveal his cards that say the words " one-by-one" . They will not know that they are next to be killed. 


We have a group of friends who seem to be having a good time, enjoying each other companies, before one of the members shows their real intent and desire. When on of the members goes to the bathroom, the clock strikes 12:00. meaning its time for his first victim. after this, at the end of the film, the audience understands that he wants to finish off his friends one by one. This shows shows the reality ( in a extremely exaggerated way) of teenagers and young adults these days that are dealing with mental health problems and how destructive it can be not only to the person but the friends surrounding them. 


Our killer will be wearing yellow gloves, to try and accomplish hiding his true identity. Its a matter of concealment and disguising his 'love' and 'care' for his so called friends. For ever different killings he makes, we will be wearing these gloves. It also helps establish that mystery fell, as the audience doesn't know who's hand that is. We have the hourglass time, to signify when his next killing is.  We also will be using the playing cards 'Uno' as the central and focal point of our film. The friends will start of by playing the cards, and once each of the killings are played, we will get s hot of the remaining friends playing Uno. at the end we incorporate a over the shoulder shot, allowing the audience to see the ' One by one' cards, knowing that the rest of the friends are in danger. 

Mood and Tone: 

The mood and tone of out film will be rather discomforting and heavy, as our idea in a whole is something that is very intense and dark. This mood and tone will be represented by the use of mysterious concepts, like time, playing cards, silhouettes ect. With the use of music and sound effects, it will add to the mood and tone , completing that uneasy feeling. 

Camera Shots and Lighting: 

We will be using a mix of shots including, match on action, 180 rule, shot reverse shot, as well as the common shots like close up, medium close ups, establishing shots ect. We will use natural lighting as we will be filming during the day, but in case it may be stormy we can also us the indoor lighting provided at the house. 


Our narrative focuses on evoking suspense through the mystery and facial expressions of the group members. Our film encourages a more interactive side as the audience is invited on the journey of finding out who the real murdered is. Our film ends on a serious cliff hanger which grips the audience ensuring that if the movie was to be extended that they would continue watching in intrigue. 

Mies-en-scene/ setting: 

We will be filming at one of out group member house ( Christian) that is set in a nice neighborhood. The house itself is very nice and big, creating a contrast with the perfect house, neighborhood and friends with the chaos that the antagonist brings to the scene. In terms of practicality, we also have access to power and lights.

Sound and Music:

We are yet to decide on the type of music that we are going to use, but it will most likely be a vibey song at the start to set a cool and light atmosphere, making it even more effective when it gets disturbed and interrupted. We will most likely also have the sound of the laughing friends, and most importantly the sound of the activities that the victims We will include sound effects to add layers of sound, to ensure we have both diegetic and non diegetic sounds in our film. 

Use of Credits and Logos:

We will be using Canva or after effects to create out logo, which will be made by our group member Chanileze, and will probably be displayed at the start of our film. As for credits, we will have rolling credits at the end of our film, comprising of the main cast and crew, as well as their roles. 


Our editing will most likely fast paced, as we want to create a suspense and keep the adrenaline and action going. We will also enhance and layer sounds, potential colour grade to make things looks slightly dim ect.  Editing will look different for each of us, but mainly we will all have some sought of fast paced editing included. 


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