Preliminary Task 1 Treatment


( Hope)

A Treatment for: Tyrant

Prepared by sensational studios

It will be proposed that our film will be 1:30-2 minuets long and will be filming on site, as it is easily assessable to all our crew and cast. We are also planning on filming a part on the elevator which will be accessible to us on site.  

This film will consist of the following conventions:

  • Suspense 
Our film Tyrant strongly includes an element of suspense as we try to keep audience on their toes from the get go. As we open our short film with blackness and diegetic sounds, the audience is left questioning what is happening and therefore is engaged and gripped to the rest of the film. This suspense is created via a fast paced beginning, and then cuts to a more slow and mysterious vibe, still maintaining the suspense all the way through.

  • Iconography
Symbolisms is used in our film Tyrant, as the victim looks for a way to end his daily torture and pain, continuously provided by his tormentors. It is interesting however, that his weapons ( gun) is only revealed at the end of the short clip, leaving the audience on a cliff hanger. The gun however is chosen to be shown at the end as it is the climax of the film and therefore holds the most importance. This incorporates another convention of suspense, as the audience only has a estimated guess of what he will do with the gun, but doesn't get to see the full picture unfold.

  • Sound
The sound in our film plays a huge key role in creating the atmosphere we are intending to create. As said before, our opening scene will consist of a plain black screen but will covered with diegetic sounds of the victims pants and running footsteps, followed by his tormentors footsteps. This invites intrigue and crates suspense. The non diegetic sounds that will be used will be tense and rather " airy music" to help keep up that tempo and intense and mysterious theme.

  • Lighting
We will be using natural lighting for the outside shots, as we will be filming at twilight. This ties in with the cold and dark atmosphere of the whole film. For the inside shots, we will also use the light from the computer solely, as all the focus will be on the computer and the content on the screen. This will also help create a silhouette shot as we can see only the outline of the Vitim and therefore directs the attention on the screen.

Influential Thrillers and Films:

We have collected a few different idea from different types of movies like the famous Karate kid and a movie called the American bully. Karate kid gave us the idea of the contrast in numbers, which is one hopeless individual versus multiple tormentors, making the victim vulnerable and  hopeless. We also took a few ideas form the " American Bully" movie trailer, as the character is exposed to dangerous and toxic thoughts regarding violence towards someone who has wronged them. 


Problems Encountered:

Due to us not using any actual weapons we will have little to no risk of any of our cast or crew being injured due to mishandling of of any knives or things of any sort. We however are filming parts in the outside alleyway, meaning there could be chance of rain. If we do encounter this dilemma we will move the the underground carpark. 

The Film will including the following:


Jack: He is the victim of the story, the one who is bullied and appressed. He is of teenage age, still in high school, explaining where his bullies came from. He is seen as very vulnerable and hopeless, making the ending of him even more effective, showing him turning into a villian. 

Bully 1: She is the main bully in the film and therefore the main tyrant. We decided to have a female main bully to go against the stereotype of males being the bullies. This adds a bit of an interesting aspect to our film that differs from common and basic bully films.

Bully 2 and 3: They are the supporting bullies who are seen as being under the influence of the main bully, and therefore being her puppets or minions.


We have a vulnerable teen , Jack, who is appeared to be constantly tormented and bullied but three bullies. The audience will be made to fell sympathetic and sorry for him as he is constantly living as the Vitim and prey. The audience then understands that Jack has had enough of being the vulnerable one, just simply excepting the torment that he has coming for him. The camera then cleverly reveals his toxic thoughts that have been influenced from his pain, and what he is possiblly going to do with the gun.

Mood and Tone:

The mood and tone of our film is rather dark and oppressive. This is not a light concept and therefore has a melancholic and intense mood at the start. However, as the film progresses, sad and sympathetic tones are switched to revenge and angry tones. This will leave the audience feeling shocked and almost confused as to why the victim is thinking about doing the unthinkable. We will be filming at night and therefore will have low lighting, creating a dark and gloomy tone.

Camera Shots and lighting :

For the chasing scene we will a tracking technique with the camera being moved with the help of a chair with wheels. This will be will give an effect of the audience almost running with them. Alongside the mid shots, we will also include over the shoulder shots and close up shots as well.


Our aim is to create suspense, just like a thriller does. We will keep the audience on the edge of their seats, as they will not get to see the final result of what the victim will do. This will encourage the audience to be intrigues as to what the rest of the film has to offer, as a problem is created but not yet solved.

Mise-en-scence/ setting:

We will be filming on site ( City Impact Church )  as this is our first time using the equipment, as well as it being a convenient place to film. This also offers everything we need to film, like rooms/office spaces, alley ways, elevators ect. This mean we will not have to move from site to site, having to set up and take down equipment. 


Our victim will be wearing a casual outfit with neutral colours, symbolising that he is just a regular guy trying to blend in and go about his night.  His white top alongside the blood and bruises symbolises how he  just like the top, is ruined and changed because of the influence of pain and hurt that he has experienced. The bullies wear dark clothes as well as masks to show how dark and troubles they are as individuals, and the dark impact they have on the victims life.  The gun in the end, will resemble the darkness that has been reflected onto him.

Sound and Music: 

We are yet to decide the type of music we want in our film and will have to experiment with different types of tense music to ensure that it goes well with our film and adds affect to it. In terms of diegetic sounds we will include heavy panting at the start, and may as well add some heart beat effects to resemble the fear the victim is feeling as they are being chased. 

Use of Credits and Logos: 

For our Logo we will most likely be using a photoshop app or canva, and this will be shown at the start of our film. In terms of credits, we will therefore show the important and main cast and crew as a opening sequence.  We will then go into detail of specific roles and people involved at the end of the film. 


In the opening of our film, we will have a black screen with the voiceover of panting as mentioned before. This will abruptly fade in an out, crating a blinking effect, only catching glimpses of them running. We also will incorporate quick cuts between shots to ensure that it is fast paced. 



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